Fellowship Lodge No. 1175 F. & A. M.
The Masons
Making good men
better for 305 years

Due to the extremely high number of attempts to infiltrate our site by cowans and eavesdroppers Registration is only possible by emailing the Secretary at Secretary@fellowshiplodge1175.com

Fellowship Lodge 1175 meets at the Valley of Buffalo 32° Ctr, 2379 Union Rd, Cheektowaga, NY at 7:30 P.M. on the 4th Tuesday of the months of March, April, May, June, August, September, October, and November.
W∴ Bud Rodreguez Master
W∴ Bill Lawrence Sr. Warden
Bro. Rick Palmer II Jr.Warden
R∴ W∴ Dave Poleon Treasurer
W∴ Rick Palmer Secretary
W∴ Carl Dimmig Jr. Trustee
W∴ Ron Cook Trustee
Bro. Terry Hughes Trustee

A Worldwide Fraternity of Upstanding Men
Freemasonry is based on the belief that each man has a responsibility to help make the world a better place. It’s the confidence of having millions of trustworthy brothers who have taken a sacred oath that they have your back. It’s a profound new sense of purpose and community. It’s a path of self-discovery and shared beliefs that make good men better sons, husbands, and fathers. And it’s walking upright and proud in the same tradition as the giants that came before us. In short, it’s a way of life.
Brick Purchase to Support Horticultural Center
Secure your Legacy at our Horticultural Center at the Masonic Care Community in Utica, NY. A Brick Purchase will bring us closer to completion and will help with additional improvements.
This is a great way to remember your family, loved ones, Lodge, District. etc.

Recent Events
Service Awards
November 27, 2024

Herman T. (Buddy) Black
50 Years

David M. Lepsch
45 Years

Carl P. Dimmig Jr.
35 Years
Not Pictured
Jack R. Hendricks 75 Years
Robert A. Chandler 35 Years
Robert E. Christopher 35 Years
Stanley E. Johnson 35 Years
Timothy P. Lanning 20 Years
Robert C. Zeler 15 Years
Christmas Party 2023
Saran Wrap City

Fellowship and Fun